Grab Your FREE Copy of:

My Signature 6 Step


For A Happier Belly and Happy Mind


Are you silently suffering from GI distress? 

Are you tired of feeling bloated after eating or by the end of the day?

Do unpredictable stomach aches leave you feeling like you want to curl up in a ball?

Are you tired of trying to cover up embarrassing gas?

Do you sometimes have to rush to the bathroom at inopportune times?

Are you spending way too much time in the bathroom?

Are you tired of just feeling "puffy"?

Are you exhausted and stressed?

It does NOT have to be that way!

I want this to be easy, enjoyable, and totally manageable so we'll discuss how you can start with small simple steps to help you find relief!

There’s also a special offer at the end to help make sure we truly help you find the relief you’re looking for. I can’t wait for you to discover how great you can feel with a happier belly and mind!

Hi! I'm Amelia.

I'm a high performance coach certified in Integrative Nutrition. I help high achieving, driven professionals alleviate their GI discomfort through a holistic approach looking at your body, mind, and lifestyle.

As a graduate from the University of Pennsylvania, veterinarian, entrepreneur, and online coach I know what it's like to be high achieving. But I also know that sometimes that comes at a cost to our body and mind.

I struggled with unpredictable stomach pains and bloating for years before I found relief. I was told by doctors that I was perfectly healthy which left me feeling helpless. That doesn't have to be you.

Jameson and Amelia

Uncovering the underlying cause of your GI woes isn't always simple. Often there are multiple factors contributing making it challenging to uncover the root cause. That's why I'm sharing my 6 Step Holistic GI Method that I use with my clients to help them experience relief. I can't wait for you to discover how great you can feel in your body and mind!

–Amelia Knight Pinkston, VMD, cVMA, INHC